The Single Asylum Seeker’s Office (GUDA)

You must go to the Single Asylum Seeker’s Office (GUDA in French) located in the prefecture to register your asylum application.

Agents from the Prefecture and the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII) are present at the GUDA to receive asylum seekers.

See the map of GUDAs in France

qu'est ce que l'asile


If members of your family are living in another European country , it is important to say so because you can ask to join them in this country (or that they join you in France).

guichet unique des demandeurs d'asile
You must attend the GUDA with your legal representative . If you don't have one, someone called an “ad hoc administrator” will represent you and help you apply for asylum.
votre représentant légal
At the GUDA:
au guichet unique
checkbox étape
Your asylum request is registered.
checkbox étape
Your fingerprints are taken if you are aged 14 years or older.
checkbox étape
You must choose the language in which you want to speak during your asylum interview (choose the one you are most comfortable with).
At the end of your GUDA meeting, you will be given:
checkbox étape
an asylum application certificate 
checkbox étape
an asylum application form 
You must keep these two documents because they are important.


In some territories, you can go to a SPADA (first reception structure for asylum seekers) before going to the GUDA.
à savoir

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